Stand Up to Help Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking
Check out these statistics from 2018:
- 2,700 identified survivors assisted with over 111,000 services
- 6,700+ calls fielded on our 24/7 crises line
- 323 people received 10,703 safe bed nights in our emergency shelter
- 163 people received 34,831 safe bed nights in our housing program
- 769 responses to calls from law enforcement for domestic violence emergency response assistance
- 77 requests received for accompaniment for forensic medical exams for sexual assault victims
- 139 individuals provided with temporary restraining order (TRO) advocacy
- 242 survivor court accompaniments completed
- 175 individuals received pro-bono attorney services
- assisted 384 victims with accessing the county's victim-witness program.
Demand for our services increased substantially, with the steepest increases seen in requests for assistance for youth sexual assault victims and human trafficking victims.